SO good Rosalie!! I never would have thought to pair with other books but that stack is *chef’s kiss*. And the Titanic of it all. Ugh. Yes!

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Oh my goodness, Elizabeth! What a nice compliment. I think if I lived it in a truly effective way, I could write about it. Right now I don't feel like we're doing the best join, but I want to do better.

And it is perfectly ok if it's not perfect! There's a line in Emily of New Moon. Emily says, "I don't want to eat off her floor, I'll be happy if the tablecloth is clean!" I always think of that because I rarely clean my floors but I always have clean dishes.

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Sep 16Liked by Rosalie Duryee

I loved this. It reminded me how much I wish I could host more. I haven't been, because my flat is the size of a postage stamp and is also generally untidy. But I do love preparing a special place for people to enjoy, and I hardly ever do it, but you have reminded me of the love for it. And also that it's ok if it's not perfect.

You make a really interesting point about hosting in other spaces, though. Jesus did that a lot. And I do wonder if maybe it's a book you could write? Which sounds big and scary but...no one knows what they're doing when they first start! Generally I think that the first one to spot a niche is the one being called to fill it... You're clearly really into the hospitality scene in general, and you're also a talented, passionate, evocative writer. Maybe not now but at some point?

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